Well, there are many of you who are very curious to see what Classic Chic is up to, how our progress is coming, so it’s time for a bit of a check in!
It has been a busy week for all of us. Our Production Manager Corina is in the process of securing all the elements that make a production go – the space, rehearsal space, designers, builders, etc…She has busted her Shakespearean bottom for weeks now trying to get all our ducks in a row. Our venue PAL is booked, we are just making final decisions on a time frame for our run (matinees? how many previews? dress rehearsal with invited guests? close on a Saturday? Sunday?).
Our director’s casting is being finalized by our Artistic Producer Christina. We have been quite blessed to be able to add some amazingly talented women to the production! We started with our core ensemble at about twelve and have increased that by about six (remember I said we are still finalizing!). The ensemble is a wonderful mix of ages (our youngest Miranda, above, is 8), experience and talents that we feel will present a unique The Winter’s Tale to the theatre audiences of Vancouver.
Starting yesterday, our Indiegogo campaign was launched by our producer in charge of fundraising, Michelle. She has spent weeks gathering the awesome perks you can get when you donate. All the money we raise (our goal is $8000) will go towards the production of The Winter’s Tale in July and August of this year. If you have a “perk” you would like to donate, let her know, we would be grateful for any help we could get! When Michelle isn’t working on the campaign, she can recently be found in Episode 17 of Supernatural, but don’t worry, she is not that scary in real life.
The director, Lisa Wolpe, has been extremely busy mapping out rehearsal schedules for our cast of 20+. Yes, a rehearsal schedule that accommodates over twenty actors…
Photo shoot – check
Graphic Designer working on poster – check
Design meetings – check
Publicist doing her thing – check
Now we all just have to memorize our lines, throw up some blocking and we are good to go…